HDR Block Research Internships Overview

HDR Block Research Internships are an invaluable opportunity for you to test the waters in an real-world setting, utilising the translational skills you have developed through your doctoral studies. HDR Block Research Internships are available for international and domestic PhD candidates who have completed confirmation of candidature with a keen interest in exploring a career outside academia.

Typically, between 3-6 months in duration (though projects can range anywhere from 30 days), candidates are required to collaborate on a bespoke research project in with an external organisation. External organisations (also referred to as industry partners) include private enterprises, start-ups, not-for-profit organisations and charities, government (local, state, and federal) and community.

Why undertake an HDR Block Research Internship?

Gain real-world experience

Open up a world of opportunity

Make lifelong connections

Enhance your employability

Shelley Karkoodi - Geoinventions HDR Block Research Internship

PhD student innovates sustainable timber-steel building material as part of HDR Block Research Internship with Geoinventions.

Read more

Is an HDR Block Research Internship right for you?

HDR Block Research Internships are available to research candidates currently enrolled at Griffith University who meet the following criteria:

  1. Your confirmation milestone has been met.
  2. All other milestones are up to date.
  3. You remain enrolled or will be under examination during the internship.
  4. Your principal supervisor supports your involvement with the internship as an optional activity and confirms you will still be able to complete your program in a timely manner.

How to secure an HDR Block Research Internship

Step 1: Check your eligibility

Step 2: Approach organisation and develop a project plan

Step 3: Obtain required approvals

Step 4: Start and complete internship

Assistance Available

You and/or your supervisor should liaise with your Academic Group Internships Representative to discuss potential internship opportunities, seek advice, or seek assistance with the above processes:
Academic GroupContact
Griffith Business School GBSInternships@griffith.edu.au
Griffith Sciences wil-gs@griffith.edu.au
Griffith Health health-dean-research@griffith.edu.au
Arts, Education and Law ael-HDR-director@griffith.edu.au

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to be a PhD candidate to participate in an internship?

Can my internship be directly related to my thesis topic?

I am a PhD candidate in receipt of a scholarship. What will happen to my scholarship payments while participating in an internship?

I have successfully completed an approved internship of more than 30 days duration and I would like an extension of scholarship. How do I action this request?

Can I take a Leave of Absence during the internship?

Can I undertake an internship after I have submitted my thesis?

What is the duration for an internship?

Griffith Graduate Research School

Contact GGRS for enquiries relating to HDR admission, candidature , scholarships, orientation or workshops.


  • Call us on  +61 7 3735 3817 between 9.30am - 2.30pm, Monday to Friday


  • Wednesdays, 10am - 4pm (no appointment needed)
    • Brisbane South (Nathan): Level 0, Bray Centre (N54)
    • Gold Coast: Level 3, Academic 1 (G01), Room 3.46
