Formatting your thesis
Candidates are responsible for the formatting of their thesis, in consultation with their supervisor. Some elements provide more detailed guidelines for particular fields of study. Candidates must seek the approval of the Dean, Griffith Graduate Research School if they believe that thesis preparation demands a major departure from these guidelines. The request must be supported by the candidate's supervisors and endorsed by the Dean (Research).
A major consideration in the presentation of the thesis is the ease with which an examiner can undertake the task of examination. To this end, the following factors should be taken into account when preparing the thesis.
Length of thesis
A thesis is intended, among other things, to demonstrate a candidate's capacity to report on the research in a clear and succinct manner. It is recognised that the length of a thesis may vary according to the topic and the discipline (e.g., a PhD thesis is normally between 70,000 - 80,000 words). There is some variation in international standards regarding the length of a doctoral thesis and candidates should consult their supervisors regarding appropriate word limits in their disciplines. A very short thesis may suggest a lack of scope in a project while a very long thesis may suggest a failure in judgment through inclusion of material that could be left out.
Griffith University sets upper limits on the length of a higher degree research thesis, not including bibliography, appendices or footnotes:
Doctor of Philosophy (including named PhDs ) | 100,000 words |
Master of Philosophy | 50,000 words |
Doctor of Education | 80,000 words |
Doctor of Musical Arts | 80,000 words |
Doctor of Visual Arts | 20,000 words |
Master of Arts Research | 30,000 words |
Master of Education and Professional Studies Research | 30,000 words |
Master of Medical Research | 40,000 words |
Master of Music Research | 15,000 to 40,000 words |
Master of Science | 60,000 words |
These upper limits may be exceeded only in exceptional cases where approval has been given by the Dean, Griffith Graduate Research School on application from the candidate and with the support of the principal supervisor and Dean (Research).
Text layout
- The lines of text should be in 1.5 or double spacing
- Each page should have a left and right hand margin of at least 3 cm, and a top and bottom margin of at least 2 cm
- The pages should be numbered sequentially
- Depending on the referencing system used, references/footnotes may appear in the body of the text, at the bottom of each page, at the end of each chapter, or at the end of the thesis
- The text must be legible as the clarity of the thesis depends in part on its presentation.
Thesis structure
The contents of the thesis must take the following order:
1. Title page
Must contain:
- The full thesis title
- The full name and academic qualifications of the candidate
- The element and group in which the candidature was pursued, and the name of the University
- The degree for which the thesis is submitted including the words, 'Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy/Master of Philosophy/named professional doctorate'
- The date (month and year) of submission of the thesis.
Refer to this sample title page (PDF, 20k) for a visual example.
2. Synopsis or abstract (approximately 700 words)
3. Signed statement of originality
The statement of originality (DOCX, 17k) must include the words:
"This work has not previously been submitted for a degree or diploma in any university. To the best of my knowledge and belief, the thesis contains no material previously published or written by another person except where due reference is made in the thesis itself."
The signature can either be a scanned copy of a physically signed statement of originality, or it can be a digital signature applied directly to the PDF copy of the thesis.
Please note that your signature needs to be in the thesis and visible to the examiners for the purpose of examination. Once the examination is concluded and you submit your final copy for submission to the library, you are then required to redact your signature from that version to guard against identity theft.
4. Acknowledgement of Generative AI Tools in the Development of the Research
Any use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the preparation of the thesis must be ethical, responsible and in keeping with the principles of academic and research integrity including honesty, transparency, fairness and accountability. Candidates will appropriately acknowledge the use of digital assistance tools use in the generation of a research thesis or exegesis and the following acknowledgement script has been created for support.
Irrespective of whether a candidate HAS or HAS NOT used GenAI tools or AI-enabled communications technologies during their candidature / to assist with the preparation of their thesis/exegesis, a statement must be included as part of the statement of originality (DOCX, 17k)
Candidates may also benefit from familiarising themselves with the
5. A table of contents, a list of all diagrams and illustrations, and a list of supplementary material, if any.
6. A statement acknowledging the extent and nature of any assistance received in the pursuit of the research and preparation of the thesis aside from Generative AI Tools
This should include a list of any work published in the course of the research that is included in whole or in major part in the thesis itself, editorial assistance and so on.
7. An acknowledgement of published papers included in the thesis*
* This acknowledgement is relevant only for submitting candidates who choose to include full copies of published papers in chapters of their thesis, rather than write the full thesis in standard thesis style with reference to published papers or inserting the papers as appendices. To establish which statement is required, refer to our published papers requirements diagram (PDF, 72k). Please choose one of the below statement types:
8. The main text
This is where the hard work of the thesis is reflected. For candidates wishing to include papers within the body of their thesis, please also check if there are any group and discipline requirements outlined within the requirement for inclusion of papers within the thesis drop-down.
9. A statement of contribution to co-authored published papers included in the thesis**
** This statement is relevant only for candidates submitting full copies of co-authored papers in chapters of their thesis. To establish if a statement is required, please see the published papers requirements diagram (PDF 72k).
If required, this statement must be included at the beginning of each relevant chapter. If the chapter includes more than one published paper, the statement and set of signatures should be included for each paper.
10. Appendices (including a confidential appendix, where appropriate)
11. Bibliography
12. Other material separate from the body of the thesis and submitted as part, or in support of the thesis
Supplementary material, diagrams and tables
Supplementary material, diagrams and tables
- Small diagrams, photographic images and tables should be incorporated into the text
- Full page diagrams should be inserted on a page immediately facing the text describing it
- Digital deposit of the thesis may not be possible (and exemption from such deposit allowed) where significant supplementary materials are unable to be digitised.
Referencing and bibliographic details
Referencing and bibliographic details
Candidates should pay careful attention to the referencing and bibliographic requirements of advanced research. Training in the use of bibliographic software packages such as EndNote is available through Griffith University Learning Services and should be completed at an early stage of candidature.
A fundamental requirement of research practice is the acknowledgement of the work of others. Failure to acknowledge the work of others may constitute plagiarism and is regarded by Griffith University as academic misconduct (PDF, 297k), for which penalties (including exclusion from a program) may be imposed. The strict requirements of an academic thesis for referencing and bibliographic records need to be understood in this context.
Candidates must acknowledge other researchers upon whose work or publications they have drawn. Adequate documentation of sources is expected and relied upon by the thesis examiners who may wish to consult sources quoted in a thesis.
Only recognised referencing styles should be employed, and candidates should consult with their supervisors on the most appropriate form of referencing for the field in which they are working. It is essential that the style of referencing adopted be followed consistently. See the Griffith University referencing guidelines for more detailed advice.
All books and articles mentioned in the body of the thesis must appear in the bibliography or reference list as appropriate. In some fields, the bibliography or reference list contains a record of works consulted, even if not actually cited in the text.
For further resources on referencing articles in the thesis, please see Articles in thesis.
It is expected that the thesis will be written in English, however a candidate may make a case to the Dean, Griffith Graduate Research School that a thesis would be more appropriately written in a language other than English. In considering a request, the Dean, GGRS will take into account the candidate's research topic, the capacity of the host element to provide continuity of linguistic expertise in the supervisory team, the extent to which the thesis is intimately associated with the study of that language, the availability of expert examiners able to read the thesis in the nominated language, and whether its presentation in English would impair the quality of the thesis. A candidate's lack of proficiency with the English language is not an appropriate reason for seeking to write the thesis in a language other than English.
A thesis that is written in a language other than English must have an Abstract in English as well as in the language in which it is written. Approval to write a thesis in a language other than English does not absolve the candidate from meeting Griffith University's English language proficiency requirements at admission to candidature.
This provision does not prevent the reproduction of texts in the original language where there are no adequate English translations available, or where the use of the original text is important to the understanding of the thesis as a whole.
In general, gender inclusive language should be used.
Copyright matters
Ready to submit your thesis?
Griffith Graduate Research School
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- Wednesdays, 10am - 4pm (no appointment needed)
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