Consult with a library specialist

The Griffith Library team have a comprehensive range of support services to assist HDR candidates with their research specific information needs, including training workshops, strategic publishing advice, and consultations with a discipline Librarian.

eResearch support

eResearch Services provide specialist IT support for researchers across the University with everything from data collection and storage tools to higher performance computing.

Branding Resources

Our higher degree by research candidates are an important part of Griffith's research community. We believe in providing them with the resources to represent us. That is why we developed a resource kit for candidates. Including word document templates, PowerPoints, and a guide to using the Griffith logo.

Two students studying

Facilities and support

All HDR Candidates at Griffith have access to physical and financial support to undertake their research.  Desk space, printing, software… we’ve got you covered. Learn more

Indigenous Research Unit

The Indigenous Research Unit works in collaboration with GUMURRII to identify research activities and create opportunities for the University’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander HDR cohort.

Learn more


Students are expected to pursue their research in accordance with the University's policies relating to experimentation on human and animal subjects.

Supervisors are responsible for advising students on whether ethical clearance is likely to be required, and for guiding the candidates through the process for obtaining clearance. An expedited review process is available for research involving humans.

That part of the research involving animal or human subjects cannot commence until ethical clearance, or a waiver, is obtained from the relevant University ethics committee. The need for ethical clearance is reviewed at several stages during the candidature including at application, during the candidature confirmation procedure, and during the annual review of progress. If ethical clearance is pending at the time of the candidature confirmation procedure, confirmation will be conditional upon the clearance being obtained.

Learn more

Health and safety

The University requires all members of the University (including students undertaking study or research activities) – whether on- or off-campus – to comply with relevant workplace health and safety legislation, codes of practice, advisory standards and established good practice; including Australian Standards and the University's Health Safety and Wellbeing Policy (PDF 382k).

Students are expected to:

  • comply with University health and safety policies and procedures
  • conduct their activities in a manner that prevents personal injury or injury to others and damage to property
  • cooperate with and actively participate in the University's safety management system
  • report any incident, unsafe conditions or acts that come to their attention.

Academic and Research Integrity

HDR candidates are expected to undertake their program and conduct their research responsibly, ethically, fairly and with respect.  This includes ensuring that all draft work, milestone documentation and the thesis submission are prepared in accordance with the academic and research integrity principles set out in the Student Academic Integrity Policy and the Responsible Conduct of Research Policy respectively.  It is important that supervisors and their candidates discuss these principles early in candidature in the context of the candidate’s particular research project and methodology. Any issues requiring clarification should be discussed with the HDR Convenor or the HDR Director. To learn more about academic and research integrity and what actions and behaviours constitute misconduct, refer to:

Griffith Graduate Research School

Contact GGRS for enquiries relating to HDR admission, candidature , scholarships, orientation or workshops.


  • Call us on  +61 7 3735 3817 between 9.30am - 2.30pm, Monday to Friday


  • Wednesdays, 10am - 4pm (no appointment needed)
    • Brisbane South (Nathan): Level 0, Bray Centre (N54)
    • Gold Coast: Level 3, Academic 1 (G01), Room 3.46
