Managing impacts to your candidature

To assist you with managing impacts to your HDR candidature, there are resources and support mechanisms that have been put in place to assist you.

The documenting impacts template will help guide you to keep a detailed record of any specific impacts, or delays, to your candidature. Please include a copy of this impact record when applying for leave or extensions to your maximum submission date and/or scholarship.

Requesting candidature changes

Changes to candidature requests are lodged online via myGriffith > My program > My candidate centre. In most cases you will need to complete part of the request via a PDF form, this is best done using Adobe Reader. (Available free from Adobe.)

Who approves?

Approvers are listed in the HDR Academic Decisions Schedule. Unless otherwise stated requests automatically workflow to the required approvers for consideration. You can track the progress of your request at anytime via myGriffith > My program > Track my requests.

Applying for leave

HDR candidates are eligible to apply for different kinds of leave during candidature. HDR candidates have basic leave entitlements that can be taken each year of their candidature of 20 working days recreation leave, and up to 10 working days sick leave. For all other leave entitlements you will need to lodge a request to take leave, and during this period your candidature is ‘paused’, and your access to resources such as supervisor/s, office space, library and computers, will be suspended. Your minimum and maximum submission dates will be adjusted by the period of the leave taken. Once you have exceeded your maximum period of candidature, you will not be entitled to leave.

Retrospective leave and leave within the first six months of candidature, will not normally be approved, except in the case of sick leave.

International candidates

Student visa holders are not permitted to take leave, except in compassionate or compelling circumstances. Griffith International will review your application for leave to ensure that student visa conditions are not breached.

Scholarship holders

Scholarship holders may be entitled to paid leave (such as sick leave), or unpaid leave (such as leave of absence). Your leave entitlements will be outlined in your scholarship conditions of award. A leave request should be submitted at least two weeks prior to your leave commencement so there is enough time to suspend payment, if applicable. Once you return from leave you must notify the scholarships office to get payments reactivated. Your scholarship will normally be extended by the duration of your leave. Not all scholarship conditions are the same, so you must check the leave entitlements for your scholarship.

Programs with Coursework (programs other than the PhD or MPhil): As these programs are bound by the Enrolment Procedure with respect to adding or withdrawing from courses, normally leave will need to be taken for the entire trimester duration.

  • Up to 365 days
  • Up to an additional 365 days (special leave of absence available in exceptional circumstances only)

Professional doctorates and specialist research masters degree programs: Normally leave for the entire trimester is necessary, as these programs are bound by the Enrolment Procedure with respect to adding or withdrawing from courses.

If you become ill for any reason, sick leave is the appropriate form of leave to take. Sick leave may also be used for carers leave for candidates who need to care for a member of their household when they are ill. You should advise your supervisor if you are unwell and that you will be taking sick leave.

Candidates have a basic entitlement of up to 10 working days of sick leave each year of candidature. For a period of sick leave that is up to 10 working days, no formal leave request is required.

Beyond this basic entitlement candidates are eligible for up to 12 weeks sick leave over the entire period of candidature. If you access this additional sick leave provision, your maximum submission date will be adjusted by the period of the sick leave taken. Candidates can apply to access this sick leave where:

  • The sick leave period exceeds 10 continuous working days;
  • A medical certificate specifying the duration is provided; and
  • The sick leave is claimed within one month of the end of the period of illness.

Parental leave: Parental leave provides the opportunity for candidates to devote time to the care of their child or children during the first year of their parenting relationship.

Parental leave may be granted for a period up to 365 days for each child born or legally adopted during candidature where:

  • The candidate is the primary carer of a new-born child or children, or of a newly adopted child or children under 16 years of age.
  • Upon provision of appropriate certification (for example, medically certified expected date of birth, or adoption documentation).
  • Where the person taking leave is the birth parent (parent who is pregnant/gives birth), the leave period would be expected to commence no earlier than 20 weeks before the expected date of birth, and normally no later than three weeks before the expected date of birth.
  • Finishing no later than 365 days after the period of leave commenced.

Partner leave: A candidate who is the partner of a primary carer of a newly born or adopted child or children, is entitled to partner leave up to a maximum of eight weeks for each child born or legally adopted during candidature:

  • Upon provision of appropriate certification (for example, medically certified expected date of birth, or adoption documentation)
  • The leave period would be expected to be taken at or about, but not normally prior to, the time of the birth/adoption.

As a basic entitlement, full time candidates are eligible for 20 days of recreation leave each year of candidature. Part time candidates are eligible for 10 days of recreation leave each year of candidature.

This leave is included in the maximum candidature duration. You are encouraged to take your accrued recreation leave annually, under verbal agreement with your principal supervisor. Whilst not required, you can lodge an online recreation leave request in order to track your accrual and remaining entitlement.

Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander candidates are eligible for 5 days of cultural and ceremonial leave each year of candidature.

These leave entitlements may be accrued over the duration of candidature. Candidates are to inform their principal supervisor of planned leave periods.

Self help videos for candidates

Supervision changes

You can apply to change your supervision arrangements at any time throughout your candidature. Where supervision is tied to a particular project, as with an industry scholarship for example, special approval will be required.

As a matter of courtesy, you and your proposed new supervisors are asked to discuss your intentions with your current supervisors. Where you are reluctant to discuss potential supervision changes with your current supervisors please raise the matter with the Head of Element or delegate (HDR Convenor), or the Dean (Research).

If your supervisor leaves/resigns from the University, you will need to appoint a replacement supervisor.

Please familiarise yourself with the HDR Supervision Procedure.

HDR Supervision Procedure

Extension to maximum submission date

If your progress has been delayed by factors beyond your control you may apply for an extension to your maximum submission date of up to six months. Further extensions beyond this period are not normally granted unless the circumstances are exceptional. You cannot apply for leave once an extension to your maximum submission date has been granted.

Your application must:

  • Outline the circumstances leading to the request
  • Provide a detailed assessment of the work remaining to be completed
  • Provide a timetable for completion of the work
  • Provide a projected date for submission of your thesis.

Professional Doctorate and Masters (Research)

The below Professional Doctorate and Masters (Research) programs specify the due date for thesis submission in accordance with the trimester of enrolment for the final dissertation course. If you are not able to submit your thesis by the course-specified date, you should consult with the Program Director regarding an extension to your submission date. If this extension goes into the next trimester you will also need to apply for an extension to maximum submission date.

  • Doctor of Education
  • Master of Arts Research
  • Master of Education and Professional Research Studies
  • Master of Health and Medical Research (previously Master of Medical Research)
  • Master of Science

Your Research Training Program (RTP) Domestic Fee Offset entitlement expires on your maximum submission date. Beyond this date, the Commonwealth government funding ceases, and the cost of maintaining the candidature is borne by the Element. While the University does not at present charge tuition fees for domestic candidates in these situations, the policy is under continuous review and may change at any time.

If your thesis is not submitted by the due date, and you do not have an in-progress or approved extension your candidature will lapse and enrolment withdrawn.

However if you are in the final write up stage of your research, you may submit your thesis within a maximum period of three years from the lapse date, or by the maximum period for completing the program in accordance with the Enrolment Procedure, whichever is sooner.  This is subject to any conditions imposed by the Dean, Research. You may continue to undertake research and writing of your thesis, however, as a lapsed candidate normal privileges such as office space, lab access, library and computer access etc., are suspended. You will continue to access your supervisory team, however, the nature and frequency of this access will be at the discretion of your supervisor/s and enrolling element. You may access the library as a member of the public.

Once your thesis is ready for examination, you will complete and submit the Application to Submit Thesis under Lapse of Candidature Regulations form to the Griffith Graduate Research School. All candidature milestones and requirements (e.g. publication requirement) must have been completed for the application to be considered. Approval to submit your thesis may be subject to any conditions imposed by the Dean, Research including a minimum period of re-enrolment. Where your candidature has been cancelled due to unpaid tuition fees, failure to re-enrol, or failure to meet other candidature requirements, you will not be approved to submit as a lapsed candidate.

If the period since the lapsed date is greater than three years or the maximum period for completing the program in accordance with the Enrolment Procedure, you will need to lodge a new application for admission to the HDR program. Any application for admission will be subject to admission and enrolment requirements.

In addition to the requirement to submit the thesis for examination by the specified maximum submission date, candidates enrolled in a masters by research or professional doctorate program must also adhere to the maximum period for completing a program in accordance with the Enrolment Procedure. For candidates admitted on or after 1 January 2016, the maximum period for completion of the program is 4 years for Masters (Research) programs and 8 years for Professional Doctorate programs. This period refers to elapsed calendar years starting from the date of admission to the program and is inclusive or periods of leave and discontinuation.

An extension to the maximum period of up to one year may be granted by the Dean, Griffith Graduate Research School upon lodgement of either an application for extension to the maximum submission date, or an application to submit the thesis as a lapsed candidate.

Applying for a scholarship extension

Check whether the conditions of your scholarship provide for an extension. Make your request at least one month before the expiry date of your scholarship.

You will need to provide the following supporting documentation:

  • A schedule for completion of your research and submission of your thesis including detailed monthly targets indicating progress to submission. Please see an example template for a Detailed Completion Plan.
  • The new date for submission of your thesis.
  • Advice regarding the status of your Thesis and Candidature Review Milestone. Usually this must be completed before receiving a scholarship extension.
  • A report outlining the reason for the request, which must relate to either:
    • problems encountered with your research rather than personal reasons. Provide specific detail about why and when your research was delayed or prolonged; or
    • the undertaking of an industry placement, research internship or professional practice activity approved as part of the HDR program.

Changing your topic or title

Changes can be made to the title of your thesis at anytime up to submission, this is considered a minor change.

Major changes

This is considered changes in the direction of the research that require a topic change. You will need to provide:

  • A detailed explanation of the circumstances leading to the change.
  • A new research proposal.

Before confirmation: Where a major change of topic is approved pre-confirmation, the HDR Convenor may determine that your confirmation be postponed for up to a maximum of six months.

After confirmation: Where a major change of topic is approved post-confirmation, the HDR Convenor may require you to repeat confirmation for the new research topic.

Major topic changes for candidates from sanctioned countries will require additional approval as per the HDR Academic Decisions Schedule.

If the change involves any new supervisory arrangements or a change in element this must be lodged separately. The Dean (Research) will assess whether the element is able to support your candidature in terms of resources, facilities etc.

Study away

Candidates are required to obtain approval to travel prior to lodging a study away request. Your supervisor can assist you to seek approval from your Head of Element (who will then seek approval from an Executive Group member).

You will need approval for any period of time spent away from the University (or your usual location) to ensure it is appropriate for your program and to ensure that the necessary insurance coverage is in place. You will remain enrolled/active during this period. To do this, lodge the Short-Term Study Away form via myGriffith. This should be done before any travel bookings are made. You may be required to complete or update a GSafe risk assessment as appropriate.

Purposes may include:

  • field work
  • data collection
  • conference attendance

If you are undertaking your study away at another institution or organisation and you have been asked to sign an Intellectual Property ⁠⁠(IP) agreement, you should include a copy of the agreement with your study away request. Your study away may not be permitted until any IP matters are addressed to ensure that your research program is not unreasonably influenced by commercial or industrial factors, and that your thesis is able to be examined and published.

Depending on the length of time you will be away from the University you may wish to consider appointing a local external supervisor, there is a section on the form to do this.

The form will automatically workflow for approval:

  • Up to 12 months – Principal Supervisor and HDR Convenor
  • Over 12 months – Study away periods greater than 12 months constitute Remote Candidature and need to be applied for separately.

International study away will not be approved to areas under current Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) warnings, 'Do not travel' (level 4) or 'Reconsider your need to travel' (level 3) or if insurance cover is not available. In exceptional cases candidates may make a case for consideration by the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research) (for example if the destination is your home country). In this situation approval by the Dean, Research and Dean, Griffith Graduate Research School will also be required. A GSafe Risk Assessment is also required for travel to areas  with Level 3 or Level 4 warnings.

Candidates are responsible for undertaking the appropriate checks and ensuring that they have appropriately considered the risks of travel. For international travel, this includes ensuring you have met the correct vaccine requirements, have assessed the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) country risk level, understand the testing/quarantine of the country/countries you are visiting, and have checked the University travel insurance. To view the detailed university international travel guidelines please refer to the website. NB: HDR Candidates are not required to complete the International Travel Approval Form, the Short Term Study Away request provides international travel approval for HDR Candidates.

For travel that involves an international collaboration or international transfer of certain information, the Principal Supervisor will be asked to complete the International Engagement Checking Tool and provide a PDF copy of the responses. The purpose of this tool is to undertake a risk assessment of proposed international activities in order to ensure they do not breach Australia’s laws.

Candidates have a few options when it comes to booking their travel, depending on how it will be funded.

Booking using University funds (research account or other accounts)

If you plan to book flights or other travel related expenses using University funds, this must be organised on your behalf via the Travel Coordinators in your area. HDR candidates do not have access to liaise with finance or the travel agent directly (CTM). If you do not know who this person is for your area, speak to your supervisor.

If this is your first time booking travel at Griffith University, you must complete the travel profile form and return it to the Travel Coordinator in your area. This can be done at anytime from when you commence your candidature however it must be completed before any bookings can be made.

Once your profile has been created, you can liaise with the travel coordinator to book the travel. Bookings are made as per the Griffith travel policy.

Please note there may be additional requirements within your group/element with regards to accessing University/research allowance funds for travel. Please see your principal supervisor for further details.

In addition, you must complete a travel diary based on the below scenarios. Please refer to the travel website for further details.

  • International for more than five consecutive nights (required in all instances regardless of business and private dual purpose); or
  • Domestic for more than five nights (only required if there are business and private dual purposes, ie not required if business purpose only).

Booking using personal funds

You can book and pay for your travel using your personal funds if appropriate. Provided you meet the other criteria, you will be able to access the Griffith travel insurance and International SOS. Complete the HDR Study Away Support Application before you go to ensure you are covered.

Please be aware that you will not be able to seek a reimbursement from the University for travel booked using personal funds.

Booking using both University (research account or other accounts) or personal funds

If the University is funding any portion of the travel then it must be booked via the travel coordinator as per Booking using University funds above. The only difference is that you do have the option to pay a portion using personal funds directly to the travel agent as part of the booking process. For example, if the flight you wish to book is $2,000 and the University is funding $1,000, you can pay the other $1,000 directly with the travel agent. Discuss this with your travel coordinator as part of the booking process.

Situations where partial funding might be appropriate are where the travel is dual purpose e.g. some days are related to candidature and some days might be considered recreation.

Please be aware that you will not be able to seek a reimbursement from the University for travel booked using personal funds, even if this is a partial reimbursement. However, you are able to reimburse the University after the flights are booked as needed.

If you intend to book your accommodation using personal funds but the flights using University funds, please refer to the specific sections above instead. You only need to pay directly with the travel agent in situations where cost needs to be split.

Research candidates are eligible for International Experience Incentive Scheme (IEIS) grants to support approved periods of study away overseas. Grants are currently offered all year round. The grant amounts vary as outlined below. Please note that International candidates are generally not eligible for a grant to undertake study or an overseas experience in their home country.

Funding for HDR Candidates to undertake approved periods of study overseas and international experiences (including WIL programs).

  • $800 (1 to 8 weeks)
  • $1,500 (9 to 15 weeks)
  • $2,500 (16+ weeks)

An approved conference or workshop:

  • $250 for conference attendance that is related to the candidate’s field of research
  • $1000 for conference presentation (oral or poser) where the candidate meets the following eligibility criteria:
    • confirmed in candidature
    • has not received an extension to the program maximum submission date
    • are presenting at a conference outside Australia that is of international standing. The conference paper should be directly related to the candidate’s thesis topic.
    • are the sole or lead author of the presentation AND the presenter at the conference

Once you have an approved Short Term Study Away application and booked your travel, please lodge the online HDR Study Away Support Application to access the funds. This form will also ensure you are registered with International SOS and the University’s travel insurance.

Change of study load

Changing your study load status to part time or full time may impact your due dates for milestones, thesis submission, and the availability of resources and facilities. In consultation with your supervisor/s, you should put together a revised schedule of completion.

Once you are passed your maximum submission date and have been granted an extension of candidature, your study load status cannot be changed.

Please visit the Study load website for further information on what constitutes full-time and part-time enrolment.

You can apply for a change of study load up to the first day of teaching of trimester 1 or 2 or for a future trimester if this date has already passed.

Candidates enrolled in these programs are bound by the Enrolment Procedure with respect to adding or withdrawing from courses.

NB: this does not apply to the candidates enrolled in an MPhil.

Changing your study load status will have implications for your scholarship, you must consult the Conditions of Award for your scholarship before submitting a request to change study load. To discuss further, please contact us.

The conditions of student visas do not permit international candidates to change their enrolment status to part-time except in compassionate or other compelling circumstances.

An application to change study laod status from an international candidate will be processed in consultation with Griffith International to ensure that student visa conditions are not contravened.

Remote candidature

Candidature located away from the University

If you wish to complete your research program located away from the University (remotely), you must apply for approval. Your application will need to include the following detailed information:

  • The resources and facilities available at the location to support the research program (for example, library facilities, computing)
  • A schedule of contact indicating the frequency and medium of communication between you and your supervisor/s
  • A program of visits to the University, as required to undertake your research project
  • Details of a qualified person at the location who has agreed to act as a local associate supervisor, where appropriate
  • Progress made during candidature and the work remaining to be completed

The Dean, Research may specify a minimum period during which a candidate must attend the University and, where appropriate, the provision of local supervision.

Please visit the Study location website for further information on what constitutes on campus/remote attendance.

Element transfer

In most cases you will be enrolled in the element in which your primary administrative principal supervisor is based.

If your supervisor transfers to a new element or you change your primary administrative supervisor to one in another element, you will need to submit an Element Transfer request.

You are encouraged to advise your current supervisors of any action you have taken.

Concurrent enrolment

The University expects that candidates will be enrolled only in their higher degree by research program. However, if additional studies are required to enhance or supplement your research, you may apply for Concurrent Enrolment.

You will need to provide a detailed plan demonstrating how you will manage the increased workload and submit your thesis by your maximum submission date. Extensions to candidature will not be granted on the grounds of inclusion of additional courses.

If you wish to pursue another program of study at this or another university during your candidature, approval of the Dean, Research must be obtained.  If you are planning to undertake another program at Griffith, approval by the Dean (Learning and Teaching) is also required and conditions as per the Enrolment Procedure apply.

This does not stop you from undertaking English language tuition or participating in academic development programs including thesis writing workshops.

A Master of Philosophy or Doctor of Philosophy candidate may undertake postgraduate coursework at Griffith University in addition to the requirements of their higher degree by research program.

The limits of concurrent enrolment are:

  • PhD: up to 40 CP
  • MPhil: up to 20 CP

Candidates may

1. Audit a postgraduate course (no approval required)

Auditing a course does not require formal approval. Instead, consult your principal supervisor and make arrangements directly with the relevant course convenor. You cannot undertake assessments or examinations in audited courses.

2. Enrol in a postgraduate course (approval required)

If you enrol in a course you will be required to complete the assessment and examinations as per the course outline. Any results of examinations from such coursework won’t be considered in the final assessment for your higher degree by research program, but will be recorded on your academic transcript.

To gain approval for concurrent enrolment of a restricted course you must also have the approval of the relevant Course Convenor. You will need to check the enrolment details on the program catalogue to ensure you meet any prerequisites for the course. If concurrent course enrolment is approved, you will not be charged additional fees.

Program changes

Possible program changes

How program changes affect submission dates

Program upgrade during confirmation

Program upgrade outside confirmation

Requirements for other program changes

Withdrawal from candidature

It is important to inform us when you withdraw from candidature as it can affect your funding, visa validity and more. You may request to withdraw from candidature at any time. A notation of the date of withdrawal will be placed on your academic transcript.

Domestic candidates (Australian/New Zealand citizens, permanent residents) who fail to advise formally that they have withdrawn, will continue to consume their entitlement (i.e., the funded time available for candidature) under the Australian Government Research Training Program. This period may be taken into consideration for future research training program entitlement if the candidate applies for another higher degree by research program within three years.

International candidates must make an appointment with an International Student Advisor to discuss your decision to withdraw from your program and any visa considerations. If you are entitled to a refund of fees, you will need to apply. Please refer to the Fees and Charges Policy.

To prevent an overpayment of stipend payments, scholarship holders should advise us of their intended withdrawal date by emailing This advice must be received no less than two weeks prior to pay day. If, for any reason, an overpayment of stipend occurs, a candidate will be required to repay the overpayment.

The provisions set out in section 3.8 of the University’s Enrolment Procedure will also apply to candidates seeking withdrawal from their HDR program during the coursework component.

Griffith Graduate Research School

Contact GGRS for enquiries relating to HDR admission, candidature , scholarships, orientation or workshops.


  • Call us on  +61 7 3735 3817 between 9.30am - 2.30pm, Monday to Friday


  • Wednesdays, 10am - 4pm (no appointment needed)
    • Brisbane South (Nathan): Level 0, Bray Centre (N54)
    • Gold Coast: Level 3, Academic 1 (G01), Room 3.46
