Key contacts and resources for staff facilitating HDR internships

Academic Group Internships Representatives can be contacted as follows:

Academic GroupContact
Griffith Business School
Griffith Sciences
Griffith Health
Arts, Education and Law

For supervisors

Principal supervisors must assess the eligibility of any HDR candidate wishing to undertake an internship, using the ‘Fitness to Practice Checklist’ below.

HDR Block Research Internships

Once a host organisation has been identified and the candidate has been deemed eligible for an internship, the principal supervisor should provide the candidate with the ‘Project Plan template’ below.

An academic mentor is then allocated for the internship. In most cases the principal supervisor is appointed as the academic mentor, however, another member of the supervisory team can be appointed if appropriate.

The academic mentor, in conjunction with the Host Organisation, should assist the HDR candidate with translating the industry problem into a project plan, using the provided template. The candidate is then responsible for acquiring the necessary approvals to proceed with the internships, refer to ‘Self-sourced internships, Step 3’ for more information.

The academic mentor will also monitor the candidate’s progress and actively engage with the industry partner throughout the internship.

APR internships

Once the candidate been deemed eligible for an internship, the candidate should apply for available APR internship(s). As part of the application process, the principal supervisor needs to sign the ‘APR.Intern – Student Approval Form’. The candidate and supervisor also should identify a suitable Academic Mentor to be listed on the form, in cases where the principal supervisor does not intend to act as the Academic Mentor, where possible.

If the candidate is successful – the candidate and you will receive a Project Plan template and a Schedule which need to be completed.

  • The academic mentor, in conjunction with the Host Organisation and APR.Intern, will assist the HDR candidate in the development of the APR Intern Project Plan.
  • The Schedule needs to be completed with correct details as follows:
    • Institution Name: Griffith University
    • ABN: 78106094461
    • Department: [XX]
    • Legal Address: Gold Coast Campus, Gold Coast, QLD 4222
    • Invoice Contact: [Relevant Academic Group Internships Representative]
    • Legal Contact: [Relevant Academic Group Internships Representative]
    • Scholarship Contact: [Relevant Academic Group Internships Representative]

APR will liaise with all necessary parties to obtain further required approvals. Refer to ‘APR Internships, Step 3’ for more information.

The academic mentor, alongside the APR.Intern facilitator, will also monitor the candidate’s progress and actively engage with the industry partner throughout the internship.

Should you have any questions on the fitness to practice checklist or project plan, please contact your Academic Group Internships Representative listed above.

Community internships

The Community Internships team have hundreds of local and global internship contacts across all discipline areas that they can introduce HDR candidates to in order to organise an HDR Block Research Internship. HDR Candidates are unable to complete the Community Internships Program itself, however, can utilise the Community Internship Program networks to self-source a project. For details of their current networks and to contact the team please see Community Internships Program website.

Fitness to practice

The Fitness to Practice Checklist ensures the candidate is eligible to complete the proposed internship and should be completed by the principal supervisor.

Project Plan

The Project Plan template will assist the candidate in defining their internship project and should be completed in consultation with the Host Organisation and with assistance of the supervisory team.

For academic group internships representatives

Domestic HDR Internship Agreement form

This form should be completed for proposed internships within Australia and must be lodged by the HDR candidate via myGriffith.

Global HDR Internship Agreement form

This form should be completed for proposed internships outside of Australia and must be lodged by the HDR candidate via myGriffith.

Assessment form

The Host Organisation should use this form to guide their assessment of the candidate's achievement during the internship.

Candidate Testimonial

The candidate should be asked to complete this form and return it with a photo after the successful completion of their internship.

Frequently Asked Questions

Griffith Graduate Research School

Contact GGRS for enquiries relating to HDR admission, candidature , scholarships, orientation or workshops.


  • Call us on  +61 7 3735 3817 between 9.30am - 2.30pm, Monday to Friday


  • Wednesdays, 10am - 4pm (no appointment needed)
    • Brisbane South (Nathan): Level 0, Bray Centre (N54)
    • Gold Coast: Level 3, Academic 1 (G01), Room 3.46
