Self-sourced internships are those in which you and/or your supervisor take the initiative to approach an external organisation to act as your internship provider. Once the host organisation confirms their willingness to host you for an internship, the project is negotiated between you, the host organisation, and your supervisor.
These internships are usually unpaid and three months in length (though they can range anywhere from 30 days to six months, depending on your host organisation’s needs). Research candidates receiving funding from a Griffith RTP or GUPRS/GUIAPRS living allowance scholarship may continue to receive this during the internship (scholarship recipients should consult their scholarship conditions of award for more information, and some host organisations may also provide an additional stipend for the duration of the internship). Additionally, research candidates who undertake an approved internship may be eligible to apply for a scholarship extension that is proportionate to the duration of their internship, providing there is sufficient scholarship tenure remaining.
How to secure a self-sourced internship
Frequently Asked Questions
Griffith Graduate Research School
Contact GGRS for enquiries relating to HDR admission, candidature , scholarships, orientation or workshops.
- Call us on +61 7 3735 3817 between 9.30am - 2.30pm, Monday to Friday
- Wednesdays, 10am - 4pm (no appointment needed)
- Brisbane South (Nathan): Level 0, Bray Centre (N54)
- Gold Coast: Level 3, Academic 1 (G01), Room 3.46
- Email us any time at