GGRS is committed to supporting our HDR candidates
To assist you with managing impacts to your HDR candidature, please find details of the resources and support mechanisms that have been put in place to assist you, wherever possible to continue to progress your research projects towards timely completion in these uncertain times.
Documenting impacts template
This template will help guide you to keep a detailed record of any specific impacts, or delays, to your candidature
When facing a major event that will impact your research plan (such as the COVID-19 pandemic), it might be necessary to explore possible variations to allow your research to progress while the impact continues. After discussing and identifying potential variations with your supervisory team, you might need to develop additional skills or seek advice from a content expert. The following list of resources and expertise has been curated as a starting point to get you started and should be considered in conjunction with the Candidate Support and Conducting Research pages:
Literature review
- Library guide: Systematic literature reviews (outlines different methodologies for undertaking a systematic literature review)
- How to guide & videos for undertaking a Systematic quantitative literature review
- Library guide: A-Z databases for your research
- Book an online consultation with your discipline librarian
- Learn to use a referencing software package (GU recommends Endnote)
Writing & publishing
- Book an online consultation with a member of the library team for assistance with writing and scholarly publishing.
- Copyright matters: Advice & contact details to book a consultation with the Copyright and Information Policy Officer to discuss all things copyright (relating to your research & publications).
- EnglishHelp: Writing support for international candidates.
- Wellbeing when writing project: A guide for HDR candidates, containing a series of exercises and activities grouped by stage of candidature.
Research methodology
- Doing Fieldwork in a Pandemic: An open source guide to research methodologies for humanities researchers
- Find and use data for secondary research: If you are considering pivoting your project to analyse existing data sources, this is the Library Guide for you!
- Researcher Education and Development: The RED team continue to offer a suite of research & academic skills training including methodology, statistical and software training.
- Statistical advice: Consultations are available to assist researchers who encounter difficult or unusual issues with their research methods and are unable to get advice from their school, research group or centre.
- Indigenous Research Unit (IRU): Support for indigenous research & indigenous researchers
- Contact the Office for Research if you need to amend your ethics
Data collection & analysis
- Virtual HackyHour: Join eResearch and Library specialists online from 2-3pm each Thursday for assistance with data science such as coding and high-performance computing. If you’re not able to make Hackyhour, you can also chat with an eResearch specialist about technologies to assist your research (such as data storage, data science resources, working with sensitive data and using cloud services safely).
- Best Practice Data Guidelines for Researchers: This resource can assist you in managing all aspects of the data lifecycle including increasing your research profile by including data outputs as part of your dissemination strategy.
- Research Storage Services (Research Drive, Research Space and Research Vault): Secure storage for your research data; contact the eResearch team for support, advice and troubleshooting assistance.
- Griffith’s Research Survey Centre is a one stop shop to create, develop and distribute online surveys. If you require additional assistance, you can attend a training session or book a consultation with a Digital Capability Advisor. (NB. You need to log in to the University’s VPN in order to access the Research Survey Centre & tools when working off campus.)
- REDCap: Is a secure web platform for building and managing online databases (including, but not limited to surveys).
Self-management skills
- Thinkwell PhD planning toolkit: A series of templates including planning tools, meeting agenda/notes templates and a writing audit.
- GGRS Professional Development: Candidature related training
- Coping during COVID tip sheet: Dr Shari Walsh, founder of the Resilient Researcher program, has created a 1 page tips sheet for HDR candidates and researchers to assist in managing how we respond to the COVID-19 crisis.
- Online Health and Wellness Centre: Contains advice on staying well while studying, including Coronavirus & self-care.
- Counselling services: HDR candidates can access counselling services via the Employee Assistance Program or the Griffith University student counselling services.
Looking to connect with other HDR candidates?
- Some HDR Candidate Representatives are organising social activities for their local cohort.
- You might also be interested in the following University wide programs:
- GUPSA (FB) and GCAP (FB): Both postgraduate student societies have collated a program of online workshops and social activities to support HDR candidates to navigate working from home. Events are advertised directly to candidates, or can be viewed via the relevant Facebook page.
- Griffith Mates: The Griffith Mates program is now delivering its signature activities online – join your coursework counterparts and stay connected with the Griffith community through a series of virtual coffee catch ups, live webinars, competitions and more (they even have live music sessions!)
Griffith Graduate Research School
Contact GGRS for enquiries relating to HDR admission, candidature , scholarships, orientation or workshops.
- Call us on +61 7 3735 3817 between 9.30am - 2.30pm, Monday to Friday
- Wednesdays, 10am - 4pm (no appointment needed)
- Brisbane South (Nathan): Level 0, Bray Centre (N54)
- Gold Coast: Level 3, Academic 1 (G01), Room 3.46
- Email us any time at