Minimum standard of resources, facilities and other support
The provision of appropriate resources and facilities to Higher Degree Research (HDR) candidates is integral to ensuring HDR candidates are able to conduct and complete their research in a timely manner, as well as providing candidates with the best possible research environment and experience. The following represents the University's recommended minimum standard of resources, facilities and other support to be provided to HDR candidates. This includes physical facilities, financial assistance and participation in research culture. Each Element will be responsible for providing information to its candidates on the support that is to be provided. The level of support and resources to be provided will also be dependent on the nature of the research activity. Within these standards, provision will also be made for part-time and remote candidates.
The facilities provided will meet University policy requirements for occupational health and safety, and will be in keeping with the Griffith University Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, including safe and secure storage of research data and primary materials. Further, in the provision of space to HDR candidates, the right of all candidates to work in an environment that is free from harassment, bullying and unlawful discrimination will be respected. Responsibilities for ensuring HDR candidates are provided with appropriate facilities and resources are detailed in the Code of Practice for the Supervision of HDR Candidates.
The resources and facilities that are required to complete an HDR program will be assessed according to the needs of each candidate based on the research project Assessment will occur as part of the application for admission process. In order to be admitted, the Element is required to confirm that they are able to provide the necessary research place, supervision, resources and facilities; and there is an appropriate fit between the applicant, research environment, available resources and supervision.
The University is not able to support any research project regardless of cost. As such it is essential that direct research costs are considered carefully when decisions are made about the scope of the research, including techniques, experiments, field work etc. at the time of admission. During candidature, the availability of resources and direct research costs must be considered prior to changing the research project.
Where facilities or resources in addition to those specified below are required for a candidate’s research project, the candidate’s principal supervisor will be required to detail the requirements (as well as providing a costing if applicable) upon admission to the program, or upon a request to change a research project.
Physical facilities
The following facilities are to be made available to HDR candidates:
- Access to a desk in a suitably configured space in a secure area. The space will be to University Standards and will meet health and safety regulations. Refer also to the Space Management Procedure and Planning and Design Controls. Wherever possible the space will be dedicated to HDR candidates. Part-time and remote candidates are to negotiate their needs with their Element. It is expected that part-time and remote candidates will have access to suitably configured desk spaces for short term periods and/or on a time share basis, or by another arrangement as determined by the Element. Elements may provide access to a hot desk rather than a dedicated desk where appropriate to the needs of the candidate and the nature of the research. Where there are hot desk arrangements in place, the Element should ensure that each candidate has adequate access with due regard to the requirements of the research project and the stage of candidature.
- Access to networked computing facilities that are appropriate to the candidate's research project needs. Normally candidates will be provided a dedicated Griffith owned asset (i.e. a desktop or laptop computer), supported by Griffith IT services. Part-time and remote candidates are to negotiate their needs with their Element. Where candidates are required to share Griffith University computing facilities, the Element should ensure that each candidate has adequate access with due regard to the requirements of the research project and the stage of candidature.
- Reasonable internet download quota.
- Bench space, consumables as per the host Element's guidelines (see 'Orientation' section), and access to suitably maintained scientific and technical equipment appropriate to the discipline in which the research is being conducted.
- Studio, workshop and rehearsal space appropriate to the discipline in which the research is being conducted.
- Access to securable storage facilities, as appropriate to the requirements of the research project, stage of candidature and the candidate’s time on campus, and including access to a secure system for storing the candidate’s research data.
- Reserved notice board and mail-boxes.
- After-hours access to facilities, subject to security, and health and safety considerations.
- Internal and local telephone access and reasonable access to national and international calls where applicable to the project.
- An on campus mailing address and access to postage and courier services.
- Reasonable access to basic stationery, e.g. University letterhead, pens, business cards and paper, subject to Element policies and control.
- Reasonable access to University facilities and resources (e.g. University vehicles) where appropriate for the conduct of the candidature.
Financial assistance
Research Allowance
The research allowance as detailed below applies to candidates admitted from 1 January 2016. Candidates who commenced prior to 1 January 2016 are advised to refer to their Element for information regarding their research allowance entitlements.
Candidates will be allocated a research allowance by their Element based on the expected cost of their research project. The cost of the project will be categorised into one of the bands specified below with the corresponding research allowance allocated, which will be no less than the minimum amount as specified for each band. The research allowance category will normally be reviewed as part of the candidate’s review of progress (i.e. milestone completion). In order to review the category, candidates may be requested by their Element to put forward a budget outlining their research allowance expenditure to date, as well as proposed expenditure for the remainder of the candidature.
As a guide, an amount within one of the following band ranges would usually be allocated for the entirety of a doctoral or research masters candidature:
Category | Doctoral Candidature | Research Masters Candidature |
Band 1 | $4500 - $6000 | $1500 - $2000 |
Band 2 | $6500 - $8500 | $2500 - $3000 |
Band 3 | $9000+ | $3500+ |
Available to all HDR candidates, the research allowance is intended as an aid to carrying out the research project. The allowance is administered by the Element and may be allocated annually, or at defined points during candidature as specified by the Element. Part-time candidates will receive a pro rata amount of the full-time allocation each year. The research allowance is also available to remote candidates, however the needs of the candidate will determine the most appropriate use for the allowance, and must not be used toward the cost of travel for on-site visits to the University.
Where the maximum candidature duration of the Doctoral or Masters Research program is less than four years or two years respectively, the Element may provide a research allowance that is lower than the values specified above, commensurate to the requirements of the program and each candidate’s research project. Conversely, the Element may provide a research allowance that is higher than the values specified above where deemed necessary based on the discipline and expected cost of the research.
Elements may choose to nominate a set allowance covering all reasonable costs, or may provide specific allocations against each heading point below:
- Reasonable photocopying
- Data analysis and other specialised software packages
- Reasonable fieldwork expenses appropriate to the program of research
- Costs associated with conference attendance
- Assistance with research related travel
- Access to specialised equipment/infrastructure
- Thesis editing.
HDR candidates will not be permitted to access their research allowance whilst on a period of leave. Candidates who withdraw from their program will not be asked to refund any spent funds, however in accordance with Griffith University’s Assets Policy items purchased from these funds remain the property of the University and may be retained in the Element.
Where a candidate transfers to another Element, the relinquishing Element is liable for expenses actually incurred in the project up to the date of transfer. The new Element of enrolment is liable to meet the expenses associated with the project from the transfer date.
Conference Travel Funding (scheme currently under review)
Funding for candidates to support international conference attendance is available through the International Experience Incentive Scheme, including the co-funded Griffith Graduate Research School and International Experience Incentive Scheme Conference Presentation Grant. Conference funding may also be supplemented from a candidate’s research allowance.
Completion Assistance Postgraduate Research Scholarship
Completion Assistance Postgraduate Research Scholarships (CAPRS) are offered on a competitive basis through the Griffith Graduate Research School to assist candidates who are at the final writing-up stage of their program. Candidates may be awarded a CAPRS for up to 12 weeks, and international candidates may also be awarded a Griffith International Postgraduate Research Scholarship to cover the cost of tuition fees for the duration of the CAPRS.
Research Output Excellence Scholarship Funding
Research Output Excellence Scholarships (ROES) are offered on a competitive basis through the Griffith Graduate Research School to provide support to HDR candidates who have submitted their thesis and wish to write up their research and submit for publication whilst they await the result of their examination. This scheme is designed to encourage candidates to disseminate their research findings through quality publications. Candidates may be awarded a ROES for up to 10 weeks.
Other support
Participation in Element/Group research culture
Involvement in a program of research seminars based on research being undertaken by candidates and academic staff
- Access to any distinguished visitors, either in group seminars or on an individual basis as appropriate.
- Entry to any space (e.g. reserved tea room provided for academic staff) and opportunities for social interaction with other research candidates and academic staff.
The Griffith Graduate Research School will provide enrolling candidates with information about University policies pertaining to higher degrees by research, and other relevant policies via the compulsory HDR Induction Program (e.g, research ethics, intellectual property, copyright, sharing of responsibilities for higher degree research management between the Elements, the Deans (Research), and the Griffith Graduate Research School).
The Elements will provide specific information about the resources and facilities to which the candidate will have access, as well as the following:
- A tour of the Element's facilities.
- An introduction to relevant academic, technical and administrative staff advice on how to contact the librarian appointed to assist the Element's research candidates.
- Information on access to relevant training opportunities, e.g, AARNET and computer training, workplace health and safety.
- Information for candidates whose candidatures are located away from the University (remote candidates) on resources available to them when visiting campus.
- Information on the Element's problem resolution procedures.
- Information on opportunities for participation in Element/Group decision making processes, including arrangements for electing student representatives to relevant Element/Group committees.
- Guidelines on ethical and safety procedures appropriate to the discipline ( in addition to the University and Group level guidelines).
Candidate association with a research centre
The majority of HDR candidates, in addition to being enrolled in an element, are associated with a research centre. Association with a research centre provides candidates with significant opportunities for professional development and networking. Whether a candidate is associated with a research centre will depend on the relevance of their research topic to the research activities of the centre of which their principal supervisor is a member.
Candidates can apply to be associated with a research centre, by contacting the relevant research centre directly or via their principal supervisor.
Compliance and Performance
Each Head of Element, through their Group Dean (Research) will report annually to the Board of Graduate Research regarding compliance, or issues with compliance, in respect to these minimum standards of resources, facilities and other support.
In addition, the Board of Graduate Research will review and note the responses of candidates for each Element in the annual on-line survey on training and support. This survey allows candidates to provide confidential feedback on the resources, facilities and other support they receive from their Element.
Heads of Element and Deans (Research) are expected to introduce additional arrangements for monitoring the suitability of resources and facilities provided to HDR candidates.
Griffith Graduate Research School
Contact GGRS for enquiries relating to HDR admission, candidature , scholarships, orientation or workshops.
- Call us on +61 7 3735 3817 between 9.30am - 2.30pm, Monday to Friday
- Wednesdays, 10am - 4pm (no appointment needed)
- Brisbane South (Nathan): Level 0, Bray Centre (N54)
- Gold Coast: Level 3, Academic 1 (G01), Room 3.46
- Email us any time at