The Student Academic Integrity Management System provides features that enable Deans (Learning and Teaching) formerly referred to as Chairs of Faculty Assessment Boards to manage and track concerns assigned to them. They are also provided with features to append appeal outcomes.
The following resources are available to help you use the system:
- Chair, faculty assessment board workbook (PDF 1.2mb) Detailed information on how to complete all steps in the academic integrity concern process.
Job Aids
- Overview (PDF 56k) Information on the features of the system.
- Edit, send and view a concern letter (PDF 92k) Send a letter that informs the student about the concern to be investigated.
- Record investigation outcomes (PDF 89k) Record the result of an academic integrity investigation and actions to be taken by the student.
- Revise original decisions (PDF 117k) Record changes to the result of an academic integrity investigation due the the student having previous breaches.
- Edit, send and view a closure letter (PDF 96k) Send a letter that informs the student about the results of an academic integrity investigation.
- Update student actions (PDF 36k) Record actions completed by the student as a result of the academic integrity investigation.
- Append appeal outcome (PDF 53k) Record the outcome of a student appeal against an investigation finding.
- Update student appeal actions (PDF 36k) Record actions completed by the student as a result of an appeal.
- View concern status (PDF 58k) At times during the process you will not have access to edit a concern. This feature allows you to view all concerns.
- Glossary of terms (PDF 56k) Definitions and explanations of the words used in the system.
Self-paced tutorials
PDF files require Acrobat reader 9 or later.
- Overview (PDF 1.9mb, SWF 1.3mb)
- Edit, send and view a concern letter (PDF 1.6mb, SWF 1.6mb) Send a letter that informs the student about the concern to be investigated.
- Record investigation outcomes (PDF 2.6mb, SWF 2.6mb) Record the result of an academic integrity investigation and actions to be taken by the student.
- Revise original decisions (PDF 1.9mb, SWF 1.9mb) Record changes to the result of an academic integrity investigation due the the student having previous breaches.
- Edit, send and view a closure letter (PDF 1.5mb, SWF 1.5mb) Send a letter that informs the student about the results of an academic integrity investigation.
- View concern status (PDF 1.1mb, SWF 1.1mb) At times during the process you will not have access to edit a concern. This feature allows you to view all concerns.
- Update student actions (PDF 965k, SWF 1.0mb) Record actions completed by the student as a result of the academic integrity investigation.
- Append Appeal outcome (PDF 1.1mb, SWF 1.1mb) Record the outcome of a student appeal against an investigation finding.
- Update student appeal actions (PDF 1.1mb, SWF 1.1mb) Record actions completed by the student as a result of an appeal.