Text matching software
There are a number of assessment tools available within Learning@Griffith. For more information please see the link below.
Turnitin provides an online text-matching service, and end-to-end electronic assessment submission available through Learning@Griffith course sites.
- OriginalityCheck enables students to compare their submitted text-based assessment with extensive databases of internet pages, published works and submitted papers. The report uses colour to highlight matched text and provide additional information about matches.
- GradeMark enables paperless online marking of assessment where standardised and customised feedback appears directly on the student?s submission.
Turnitin is fully integrated with the Learning@Griffith Mark Centre and marks can be viewed in Mark Centre and Turnitin. Students can access their marked paper with all marking and feedback visible on the document. More information about TurnItIn.
The university's text matching software is called SafeAssign. It can be used by staff or students to check assignment text against internal and external databases as a plagiarism prevention tool.
You can provide access to SafeAssign through your course in Learning@Griffith. You can create draft assignment submission points allowing students to check their assignments for incorrect referencing or unacknowledged quotes prior to submission.
See the SafeAssign website
Please note when you receive your SafeAssign report there is no safe percentage number. Results need to be interpreted by academic staff. Sometimes a match may refer to headings or cited references that are acceptable matches but sometimes a low percentage can still show sections in the report where there is a 100% match on a whole paragraph and this is not acceptable. In 2010 there were over 80,000 submissions into SafeAssign at Griffith and over 700 courses made SafeAssign available to students. There has also been an increase in the number of assignments where plagiarism has been detected using SafeAssign.