Process for Course Convenors
There is a set procedure to be followed when an academic staff member raises a Concern regarding a breach of Academic Integrity. Initially, the academic staff member will take the concern to the Course Convenor. If the Course Convenor thinks there is a case to answer, they will initiate the process set out in the Student Academic Misconduct policy and Institutional Framework. Initially, the Course Convenor will submit the concern via the online Student Academic Integrity Management System (SAIMS) hosted by PeopleSoft. (Information on how to use SAIMS is available on this website.) The Student Academic Integrity Coordinator will then either assign the case back to the Course Convenor or to the Dean (Learning and Teaching) for investigation. The decision-maker will then go back into the SAIMS system and edit and send a standard initial letter to the student.
Prior to interviewing the student(s) the Course Convenor may wish to seek advice from the Program Convenor, the Head of School or the First Year Adviser. To assist with determining the seriousness of the breach, a Seriousness Matrix is provided and this will facilitate consistent decision-making with regard to the Level of the offence. The Course Convenor is referred to as the Tier 1 decision-maker and the Dean (Learning and Teaching) is referred to as the Tier 2 decision-maker.
More serious or repeat breaches will be forwarded to the Dean (Learning and Teaching) for investigation and resolution. A case may also be escalated to the Dean after investigation by the Course Convenor.
Cases should be finalised within 28 days. On finalisation students are advised that the breach has been centrally recorded on the Student Academic Integrity Management System and will be taken into account when determining a response to any future breach. Students are also advised that they do have a right of appeal. If the matter has been handled at Course Convenor level, the appeal is via the Dean (Learning and Teaching) and if it has been handled by the Dean then the appeal is via the University Appeals Committee. The appropriate policy relating to appeals is the Student Review and Appeals Policy (PDF 196k).