An academic integrity website is now available for students via the portal. Students can access this at
An online interactive tutorial that offers assistance with referencing and avoiding plagiarism is now available for students via the Organisations tab in Learning@Griffith. Staff can enrol students in this tutorial as part of their course or can direct students to complete the tutorial as a response to a breach of academic integrity. There are directions on how to enrol all students in a course in the tutorial on the Blended Learning site.
Students should also be directed to their own school resources and to the Learning Services generic resources.
The following PowerPoint presentation is available for staff to show to students at the beginning of semester to acquaint them with Griffith's policy in regard to academic integrity.
There are some very good external sites that may assist students with referencing and understanding plagiarism. Two of them are listed below.
- The University of Auckland's site on referencing is called ReferenceCite.
- Indiana University has a short quiz and concept lesson on plagiarism.