Why archive?

The G Drive Archive solution was implemented because as we increase the quantity, type and size of the files we save in our Griffith G Drive, we also increase complexities associated with the storage of this data such as capacity, performance, support, availability and cost.

By archiving all files in the G Drive that have not been modified for two or more years, we can ensure the University has adequate storage capacity for future growth.

In response to the the demand for backup and archiving capacity for the Griffith G Drive, we have introduced the G Drive Archive. The G Drive Archive is an archive solution for files stored in the Griffith G Drive that have not been modified in more than 2 years.

Implementation commenced 2nd December 2016.

How this will affect your G Drive

The transition of files to the G Drive Archive will occur gradually as files that are not modified in more than 2 years are archived.

Once your files have been archived, they will be available as view only. If you need to edit the file, you will need to save the file as a copy.  The link to the archived file can be deleted, however it will be backed up on the Archive solution and can be recovered if necessary.

The G Drive Archive will change the way you view and retrieve archived files in the G Drive, depending on whether you use Microsoft (Windows) or Apple (MacOS).

Authentication to retrieve files

To download archived files, you may be prompted to enter your Griffith user name and password.  Enter your staff number with @staff (sNumber@staff) then your Griffith portal password as follows:

User Name: s1234567@staff

Password: **************

Windows Guide

Mac Guide

Linux guide

Archived file types



General enquiries and support

Server Systems Services provide support Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm.

On-call support is available through the IT Service Centre during the hours listed.

Locations and postal addresses

Common questions