The University maintains a register of HDR supervisors to ensure a high quality and engaged supervisory experience for HDR candidates. Inclusion on the register is a requirement to be appointed as a principal, co-principal or associate supervisor.
Registration requirements
The HDR Supervision Procedure sets out two levels of supervisor registration: Accredited, for experienced supervisors, and Transitional, for new supervisors. To register as an HDR supervisor you must meet the requirements for registration for either of these two levels. A summary table of these requirements is provided below.
Registration Level | Supervisory Activity | Qualification | Professional Development |
Accredited | Supervised at least one doctoral candidate to successful completion | Doctoral degree or research experience deemed equivalent | Completed the core component of the University’s professional development requirements for initial HDR supervisor registration. Staff new to Griffith must complete this training within six months of initial supervisor registration. Current staff who are already registered as Transitional must show evidence of completing the training as part of their application for accredited registration. |
Transitional | Not yet supervised a doctoral candidate to successful completion | Doctoral degree or research experience deemed equivalent | Completed the University’s professional development requirements for initial HDR supervisor registration within six months of initial supervisor registration. |
Registration process
Accredited registration
- Email your Dean (Research) with your request for accredited registration and include evidence of having supervised at least one doctoral candidate to successful completion.
- Current supervisors with transitional registration looking to move to accredited registration will also need to provide evidence of completing the professional development requirements for transitional registration (this can be a screenshot of your Griffith training record)
Transitional registration
- If an HDR candidate or applicant has nominated you to be on their supervisory team and you hold a doctoral qualification, the Griffith Graduate Research School will automatically register you with transitional status.
- Otherwise, if you wish to be registered prior to taking on HDR candidates and hold a doctoral qualification, you should email with this request.
You will receive an email from the Griffith Graduate Research School once you are registered, advising of your registration level and of any outstanding requirements you need to complete and in what timeframe (e.g. completion of professional development requirements for initial supervisor registration).
Maintaining registration
HDR supervisors are required to participate in professional development activities to support their HDR supervisory practice at least once every two years. This would normally involve participating in a GGRS HDR supervisor elective, however the specific development activities you undertake will be as agreed to within your Academic Staff Career Development review. The Griffith Graduate Research School offers a range of training and development activities that you can register for through its HDR Supervisor Workshops webpage.
HDR supervisor registration FAQs
At least two Griffith University staff members will be appointed to the supervisory team of each candidate, with one of these two appointed as the principal supervisor.
There are four types of supervisor roles that may be appointed to a supervisory team: principal, co-principal, associate and external.
There are specific eligibility requirements that must be met to be appointed to each of these roles. See the HDR Supervision Procedure for:
- a description of these roles;
- the eligibility requirements for appointment to each role; and
- the appointment requirements for the overall composition of the supervisory team.
Process for appointment
There are two ways that a supervisor may be appointed to a supervisory team:
- At the point of HDR candidate admission - Prospective HDR candidates are asked to nominate supervisors on their application for admission to the HDR program. Supervisory teams are then appointed through the HDR application assessment process, with the HDR Convenor making a recommendation to the Dean (Research) that the supervisory arrangements put forward by the School or Department meet the requirements for supervisor appointment set out in the HDR Supervision Procedure.
- Through a change of supervisor application - HDR candidates may apply to change supervisors at any time. This occurs through them initiating a change of supervisor application workflow. It is normally the candidate's responsibility to secure supervision through a change of supervisor process. The HDR Convenor may provide assistance where circumstances require it. Throughout the change of supervisor process, the departing supervisor will continue to supervise until the replacement supervisor has been appointed.
External supervisors may also be appointed through HDR milestone review processes and approval to study away from the University.
Supervisory load
When an academic staff member is appointed as a principal, co-principal or associate supervisor to a candidate’s supervisory team, they are allocated a percentage load for that supervision based on their role and contribution.
There are minimum supervisory load requirements for different roles in the supervisory team – these minimum requirements will normally need to be met for the Dean (Research) to approve the load allocation when appointing the supervisory team:
- The minimum load that a principal supervisor will be allocated is 40%.
- Normally the split between a team consisting of a principal and associate supervisor will be 70% and 30% - this split may vary depending on the specific contributions of each supervisor but it is expected that one supervisor will not be allocated more than 80% of the load.
- For a team consisting of two co-principal supervisors, an equal load would normally be allocated, however a variation of up to 20% may be acceptable.
- Where there is a variation in load between co-principal supervisors, the administrative co-principal will be allocated the greater percentage load.
The HDR Supervision Procedure also sets out the requirements above, as well addressing the requirements around a case for a variation to the normal percentage load requirements.
It is important to note that Professor Emeritus, Adjunct appointee and external supervisors are not attributed a percentage load in PeopleSoft (noting that load attributed carries across to Element reporting on staffing capacity).
Conflict of interest
University staff must avoid conflicts of interest between their private interests and their University responsibilities.
There are a number of private interests that may constitute a conflict of interest in HDR supervision. Supervisors must maintain an awareness of the various types of conflicts addressed in the Conflict of Interest and the Personal Relationships in the Workplace policies. In the process of appointing a supervisory team, any actual, perceived or potential conflicts of interest between supervisors and/or the candidate must be disclosed and managed in accordance with the Conflict of Interest Policy before supervisory arrangements are approved.
While there are a number of ways private interests may create an actual, perceived or potential conflict in HDR supervisory arrangements, an important area of potential conflict is in relation to personal relationships, which encompass family and close personal relationships as well as financial relationships. The supervision of HDR candidates is an activity where it is inappropriate for personal relationships to intrude or have influence and which therefore should be avoided or mitigated in accordance with the process for managing conflicts of interest. These include personal relationships between a supervisor and the candidate as well as personal relationships between the supervisory team.
The University expects supervision to be conducted in accordance with Universities Australia’s Principles for Respectful Supervisory Relationship, which recognises that there is a power imbalance in the candidate supervisor relationship and that the greater power rests with the supervisor. A sexual or romantic relationship between a supervisor and their HDR candidate is not acceptable. If such a relationship occurs, the response will involve removal of the supervisor from the supervisory team, where:
- The supervisor must immediately inform the Head of Element, and
- The Head of Element must ensure the candidate is provided with appropriate alternative supervisory arrangements.
HDR supervisor appointment FAQs
The experiences of our HDR candidates are closely connected to the support they receive from their supervisors, dedicated advisors who guide them throughout their candidature. Linked to below are go-to documents to help you in the establishment and management of the supervisory relationship.
Code of Practice for HDR Candidature
The Code of Practice provides an excellent reference and discussion document for the start of your candidate/supervisor relationship.
Expectations in supervision questionnaire
It is expected that supervisors and candidates work together at one of their first meetings to complete the Expectations in supervision questionnaire within the first 3 months of candidature (and definitely before the early candidature milestone). It’s a great tool to help avoid challenges that arise in supervisory relationships due to differing expectations.
Principles to promote excellence in HDR supervision
The were developed by Griffith academic staff are a great tool to refer to across the candidature lifecycle for guidance on how to approach your work as a supervisor.
Schedule of responsibilities and authorisation for research training matters
This Schedule is a quick reference that addresses which roles (including supervisors) are involved in the various academic decisions throughout HDR candidature.
Schedule of responsibilities and authorisation for research training matters
Griffith Graduate Research School
Contact GGRS for enquiries relating to HDR admission, candidature , scholarships, orientation or workshops.
- Call us on +61 7 3735 3817 between 9.30am - 2.30pm, Monday to Friday
- Wednesdays, 10am - 4pm (no appointment needed)
- Brisbane South (Nathan): Level 0, Bray Centre (N54)
- Gold Coast: Level 3, Academic 1 (G01), Room 3.46
- Email us any time at