I don't have access
In order to access these tools:
- If you are not a permanent member of staff, you will not have access. (Casuals contractors and sessional will not have access).
- If you are off campus, ensure you are using the VPN.
- Use a new Incognito Window or In Private Browser window to avoid any caching issues and re-enter your university credentials.
Planning and Statistics Portal: Griffith intranet landing page for all Business Intelligence and Analytics reports regardless of whether the user has access to all reports.
Tableau server: where most of the Business Intelligence and Analytics reports are housed. Note, some are housed in Power BI or in other tools.
Academic dashboard: a specific report within Tableau for Academic staff members – ensure that you have selected your name from the top left corner drop down.
For further information email bi-info@griffith.edu.au
Additional resources (Links to related information)
How to Access Tableau Dashboard Self Help Video
I can't find what I need
If the data you are looking for is not showing up in the Planning and Statistics Portal, please email bi-info@griffith.edu.au with details of what data you require, what format and when by and we will let you know as soon as possible if and where the data is available and if we are able to provide this information.
Important to note individual requests may take a minimum of 25 business days for delivery of reports. This allows us time to assess your detailed request, acquire data sources, develop software, develop and test results. If you require personally identifiable information, please email bi-info@griffith.edu.au with approval from the Senior Director/Executive of your area. Please keep in mind responsible use of data policies when using this data, it is each person's responsibility to keep the data secure and only use it for its intended purpose. Please be aware of your own exposure to legal action if there is a breach.
Additional resources (Links to related information)
Self Help and Training Resources
Information is missing from my Academic Dashboard
Depending on the type of information that is missing or incorrect:
- Publications: Publication data entered into Symplectic isn’t displaying on the Academic Dashboard
Please note changes to publications need to be verified by publication team in Office for Research. Once that is done, they will be updated in your Academic dashboard profile. Please check back in a few days. If the change has been approved but is still not appearing on the Academic Dashboard it maybe that the approval has not flowed through yet – The data in Symplectic does not update onto the Dashboard instantly it may take up until midday of the following workday to show the changes. For example, a change made on a Friday afternoon may not appear until the next Monday afternoon even Tuesday.
- Grants and Income: Grants/Income information is missing or incorrect.
Income Data is sourced from RIMS, which only records external income, not internal grants (like grants from Group or Centre the researcher is a member of). If you would like to add/edit external/internal grants, Applied/Clinical supervision details, Consulting/Advisory activities, professional achievements, awards: please enter them in your Symplectic Elements profile. Any changes made will reflect in the dashboard the next workday after midday.
- HDR Completions and Supervision: Data is incorrect or missing.
The Business Intelligence and Analytics team will need to cross check with a PeopleSoft query so please email your request through to bi-info@griffith.edu.au
- Teaching Allocation: Teaching Allocation information is missing or incorrect
This is manual input by the School Manager. Inquiries to correct teaching allocations please email tatqueries@griffith.edu.au and cc bi-info@griffith.edu.au.
- Awards: Awards information is missing or incorrect.
Awards are maintained manually within Finance Business Partner team, so please email bi-info@griffith.edu.au. The Awards tab also displays internal grants.
- Applied/Clinical Supervision: missing information.
Any missing information should be entered via Symplectic Elements. Changes will be updated in the dashboard the following day after midday on weekdays.
- Course Convenorship missing information on First Tab.
This data is pulled from Peoplesoft please check with your school manager if the data has been entered.
For further information email bi-info@griffith.edu.au
Additional resources (Links to related information)
Definitions page of the Academic Dashboard
Academic Promotion info
Symplectic Elements help page