Make data-driven decisions
Explore Griffith's strategic data about learning and teaching, research, staff, students and other organisational activities.
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Sustainable Development Goals
Griffith University is aligned with the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and is committed to promoting gender equity and providing equal opportunities for all individuals by fostering an inclusive environment that respects and values diversity.
Explore reports and dashboards
Access the latest data on the performance of Griffith groups and schools against the University's strategic plan targets.
University KPIs
Performance indicators used to assess the achievement of the goals in the Griffith University Strategic Plan 2020-2025. Historical data is shown for each of the indicators as well as performance based on the targets set out in the Plan.
Group and School University KPIs
Performance indicators used to assess the achievement of the goals in the Griffith University Strategic Plan 2020-2025. Historical data is shown for each of the indicators as well as performance based on the targets set out in the Plan.
Program Review
Core evaluative metrics for Griffith programs. Comprehensive and relevant profile of your students' experiences and outcomes.
HDR Program Review
Core evaluative metrics for Griffith HDR programs. Comprehensive and relevant profile of HDR candidates' experiences and outcomes.
Course Review
Core evaluative metrics for Griffith courses (and relevant programs). Comprehensive and relevant profile of your students' experiences and outcomes.
First peoples student profile
Demographic, ethnicity and educational background information of students for program(s) in a trimester or year.
Student Completions
Equity Information about students who have been awarded a degree from the University over the past 10 years.
Student Profile - Equity
Equity Information of students for program(s) in a trimester or year.
Discover information about Griffith's students. Find out their age, gender, demographic, satisfaction levels, study applications and more.
Note: Access to some of these reports has been restricted. Gaining access will require approval.
Attraction to census
Attraction to census spans the application to census pipeline to track performance, conversion rates, market share etc for domestic UG and PG students.
Admissions pathways student success
Griffith pathways and student success factors for new applicants.
Applicant to student
With the launch of the Attraction to Census (A2C) dashboard. This report will be decommissioned please replace bookmarks and subscriptions.
Application to acceptance (market share)
With the launch of the Attraction to Census (A2C) dashboard. This report will be decommissioned please replace bookmarks and subscriptions.
QTAC application growth vs budget
With the launch of the Attraction to Census (A2C) dashboard. This report will be decommissioned please replace bookmarks and subscriptions.
QTAC simulation
Round and summary information for Domestic Commonwealth Supported Programs, including offers and estimated enrolments.
Student profile
Demographic, ethnicity and educational background information of students for program(s) in a trimester or year.
First peoples student profile
Demographics and educational background information of First Peoples in a Program(s) for a particular Trimester or Year. Only Domestic students are included.
Student profile for course
Demographic, ethnicity and educational background of students in courses for a Trimester.
Program load and enrolments
Program Load (EFTSL), Number of Students or Program Enrolments trends for the last five years.
Course enrolments and load
Course Load (EFTSL), Numbers of Students or Course Enrolments trends for the last five years.
Student load tracking
Tracks actual load (EFTSL) for the current term, compared to the previous year’s actual load.
Retention Executive Summary Dashboard (RESD)
Strategic Retention Dashboard to monitor and report on student progression, retention, success, and completion rates over time, by cohort, and at the Group/School/Program level.
Program Cohort Retention - Program View
Program retention rate based on a commencing term cohort for a selected term and program(s).
Program Cohort Retention
Program retention rate based on a commencing term cohort for a single program.
Program Cohort Retention - Demographics
Program retention rate based on a commencing term cohort, based on selected demographics.
Student Experience Survey
Student Experience Survey (SES) results by survey categories, for Griffith and competitors.
Look through data to help you make staffing decisions. Find reports on leave balances, incidents, training and Griffith's workforce data.
Note: Access to some of these reports has been restricted. Gaining access will require approval.
Griffith Summary
Academic/Professional Staff FTE and headcount for continuing and fixed term staff five year trend.
Reported Safety Incidents
Incidents reported by staff, students and visitors by incident category, sub category and campus.
Staff Online Training
Completion Rates (percentages) for compulsory training programs conducted by the University.
Provides a list of Core/Contingent positions for your Group/Department and the Count / FTE for those positions as well as the incumbents in these positions. Also identifies fractional appointments, higher duties, secondments etc and when these appointments end.
First peoples staff members
Griffith First Peoples Academic and Professional Staff profiles.
Leave Balances
Information on the number of staff who have accumulated and also have been forecasted to have accumulated either more than 40 days annual leave or more than 15 weeks long service leave. It also contains future leave that has been submitted/approved
Your Workforce
Provides monthly FTE and headcount data for continuing and fixed term staff for the previous 12 months. This data can be viewed by Academic/Professional, Gender, Full and Part time and Continuing Fixed term. The following reports are also available Probation due, Appointments ending, Speedtype, Vacant Positions and a staff listing report.
Safety Training Completions
Percentage of staff and students who have completed or not completed the main safety and other online training programs conducted by the University
Griffith staff network
Interactive network diagram visualising the University's organisational structure. Using data from HR, this diagram shows staff and their supervisors.
Griffith staff to staff network
Interactive network diagram visualising the University's organisational structure. Using data from HR, this diagram takes 2 staff members and shows how they are connected through their supervisors.
Academic Dashboard
The Academic Dashboard profiles an Academic’s learning and teaching and research performance by pulling together data from a number of sources across the university. The dashboard presents a summarised view of an individual academic’s activity, and is a tool intended to assist both staff members and supervisors by providing a single point of access to a variety of information.
At Griffith we understand that equity, diversity and inclusion is our strength. We embrace diversity and inclusion to ensure that all staff and students are provided with a safe, supportive and productive environment. We are committed to social justice and see the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as one powerful articulation of these values.
Discover equity information about our staff and students.
First peoples student profile
Demographic, ethnicity and educational background information of students for program(s) in a trimester or year.
Student Completions
Equity Information about students who have been awarded a degree from the University over the past 10 years.
Student Profile - Equity
Equity information of students for program(s) in a trimester or year.
First peoples staff members
Griffith First Peoples Academic and Professional Staff profiles.
Find the Academic Dashboard as well as information about Griffith University's research performance, researchers and publications as well as HDR candidates and HDR Completions.
Academic Dashboard
The Academic Dashboard profiles an Academic’s learning and teaching and research performance by pulling together data from a number of sources across the university. The dashboard presents a summarised view of an individual academic’s activity, and is a tool intended to assist both staff members and supervisors by providing a single point of access to a variety of information.
Research performance – Researcher level
Research performance at de-aggregated level, showing data for individual researchers’ income and publications, as well as HDR supervision.
HDR Completions
HDR Completions and time to completion by year. Filterable by organisational structure and demographics.
Research Performance - High level
Research performance at the university level, showing data for research funding awarded, research outputs and researcher identifiers.
HDR Candidate Experience Survey
The HDR Candidate Experience Survey is a core University Survey and the primary method through which HDR Candidates can provide feedback on their experience of the training and support provided in their program.
Publicly available data
Links to Department of Education student data collections.
HEIMS data tables
Higher Education student data collection that encompasses enrolments, Equivalent Full-Time Student Load and completions.
Department of Education HEIMS uCube
Statistics information from the Department of Education website. The cube data is based on selected higher education micro data collected through the Higher Education Statistics Collections (student collection and staff collection) and allows customised tables to be produced.
uCube has been replaced by pivot tables found on the Higher Education staff data collection page and the Higher Education student data collection page
Responsible use of data
Access our Information Management Sharepoint site for guides and training on how to use the information in the Planning and Statistics Portal (PSP).