A focus on unleashing the potential of our people
The University provides programs, resources and services for developing the performance, potential and careers for staff throughout the Griffith community.
Griffith staff development supports and resources
Tips on how to navigate the Griffith Staff Development supports and resources
Vice Chancellor awards
Acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of professional and support staff
Leadership development
Being a leader can be both rewarding and challenging, engaging many different skills depending on your role, team and career journey. Griffith offers tailored programs to develop leaders across the University.
Building Professional Skills - LinkedIn Learning
To help unleash the potential of our people all staff have access to development using the LinkedIn Learning Library. With over 10,000 business, IT and creative courses why not utilise the AI-powered coaching chat bot to identify the most in demand skills and personalize relevant courses to help you achieve your development goals.
Career Resources
Access a range of resources and guides to support your career planning.