Revoke access to 3rd party apps

Your Google Apps account allows you to authorise third-party applications, sites and devices access to information. There are different levels of access that can be granted to an application.

The first time using such applications, it will request your authorisation to information in your Google Account. The prompt will inform you what information it would like to access and will look similar to the image below:

API access

Once approved, this application will have access to the information until you revoke that access.

It is good practice to review what applications and devices you have given access to your account. For example, you may have tried an application once and never used it again but it still has access to your account information.

How to review 3rd party access:

Sign in to your Griffith email, click the following link: Apps connected to your account, and you will see a list of 3rd party access. Remove any access that you no longer need or don't recognise