Accessing HDR candidate information
Log into Griffith Portal. Choose Student System > Records and Enrolment > Graduate Research Management
Candidate summary
Similar information viewed by HDR candidate and HDR convenor. See information regarding contact details, leave and scholarship and extra curricular information.
- Enter candidate ID.
- Choose Search.
Candidate management
View information about milestones, research topic, supervisors, consumption and submission.
Click milestone status to view details about the milestone.
Student contact details
Right-click the red arrow next to student ID
Other assignments includes:
- Ethical Clearance
- IP Agreement (Intellectual Property Agreement)
- Course Work
- HDR Induction
Thesis management
View information about thesis including submission dates, intention to submit etc.
Service request inquiry
Provides detail on service requests submitted by a candidate.
Supervisor can’t see dashboard?
Check supervisor access in Admin Profile.
Useful queries
GU_HDR_ADMN_PRFL_CURRENT (Obtain list of all convenors / supervisors within a school)
GU_HDR_STUDENTS_ADDRESS (List of current candidates including contact details and supervisors.)
Where to find specific candidate information in PeopleSoft
Candidate information | Menu item | Tab |
Annual progress – date / status | Candidate management | Information |
Confirmation of candidature | Candidate management | Information |
Consumption | Candidate management | Consumption and submission |
Contact details | Candidate summary | Contact details |
Cotutelle agreement | Candidate management | Consumption and submission, Additional information |
Course Work | Candidate management | Other assignments |
Days remaining | Candidate management | Consumption and submission |
Early milestone report – date / status | Candidate management | Information |
Embargo | Thesis management | Thesis submission |
Ethical clearance | Candidate management | Other assignments |
Extracurricular activity | Candidate summary | Extracurricular activity |
HDR Induction | Candidate management | Other assignments |
Intent to submit | Thesis management | Thesis submission |
IP Agreement | Candidate management | Other assignments |
Leave | Candidate summary | Leave summary |
Mid candidature report – date / status | Candidate management | Information |
Milestone dates | Candidate management | Information |
Milestone details | Candidate management | Information, click milestone status |
Milestone status | Candidate management | Information |
Primary administration supervisor | Candidate management | Supervisors |
Publications | Candidate management | Other assignments |
Research topic | Candidate management | Research topic |
Return of thesis requested | Thesis management | Thesis submission |
RTS End of entitlement date | Candidate management | Consumption and submission |
Scholarship details | Candidate summary | Scholarship summary |
Service request | Service request | |
Status | Candidate management | Information |
Study load | Candidate management | Consumption and submission |
Submission date | Thesis management | Thesis submission |
Submission dates | Candidate management | Information |
Submission percentage | Candidate management | Consumption and submission |
Supervisor details | Candidate management | Supervisors |
Supervisor role | Candidate management | Supervisors, right click Supervisor ID |
Thesis | Thesis management | Thesis submission |
Thesis title | Candidate management | Research topic |
Griffith Graduate Research School
Contact GGRS for enquiries relating to HDR admission, candidature , scholarships, orientation or workshops.
- Call us on +61 7 3735 3817 between 9.30am - 2.30pm, Monday to Friday
- Wednesdays, 10am - 4pm (no appointment needed)
- Brisbane South (Nathan): Level 0, Bray Centre (N54)
- Gold Coast: Level 3, Academic 1 (G01), Room 3.46
- Email us any time at