About the Griffith University Postgraduate Students Association Board:
The objects of the association are:
- to identify and service the common needs and interests of postgraduate students of the University;
- to represent postgraduate students as a special interest group in the University and the community generally, both through direct representation within the University and affiliation with organisations which share this objective;
- to facilitate communication between postgraduate students across the University through the sharing of information and activities of social, cultural and professional interest;
- to administer and use such funds as may be made available to it from time to time.
Membership to the Board
- Coursework Officer
- Research Officer
- International Officer
- Online Officer
- Indigenous Officer
- LGBTIQ+ Officer
- Women's Officer
- Disability Officer
- Carer's Officer
- Sustainability Officer
- Communications Officer
Please refer to the GUPSA Board Position Description for further information regarding each Board position.
The Board shall, at the first meeting of its term in office, elect a chairperson from among its elected members. The term of office for Board positions is from 1 November in the year of election until 31 October in the following year.
The GUPSA Board is responsible for the management and conduct of the affairs of GUPSA and the management and control of its income, assets and other property. Subject to the GUPSA Constitution, the Board may exercise all the powers of the GUPSA on its behalf.
Please refer to the Griffith University Postgraduate Students Association Constitution for further information regarding the objectives, powers, responsibilities and operation of GUPSA.