My Profiles

My profiles links allow you to quickly view the profiles for which you have access.

To view My Profiles

Choose Search

Choose 'I'm a Convenor', 'I'm a School Administrator' or 'I'm an Approver' from the left navigation. The profiles for which you are responsible will be listed.

You may need to scroll down the page to view the results.

Course Profile Search

Choose Search from the left navigation, or Choose New Search from the left navigation. The Profile search criteria screen will be displayed. Enter any known details to assist with identifying the required course profile.Choose Search.

The search results will be displayed on the same page. You may need to scroll down the page to view the results.

Save a Search

You can choose to save a search in order to quickly locate the same results in future.

To save a search: Search for the required course profiles. Enter a name for the search in the Save Search text box. Choose the Save button to save your changes or the saved search will be listed in the left navigation under Searches.

Use a Saved Search

Click the required search from the Search list in the left navigation. The search results will be displayed.


A set is similar to a search except that you can select specific courses which match your search criteria.

Create a new set

Choose New Set from the left navigation panel. The Add/Edit Profile Set window will be displayed. Enter a name for the new set in the text box. Choose the Save button to save your changes.

The Profile search criteria window will be displayed and the set will be added under Sets on the left navigation. Enter the required search criteria. Choose the Search button.

The search results will be displayed on the same page. You may need to scroll down the page to view the results. Select the check box for the required courses. Choose Add Selected. The set of courses will be displayed.