Status and Settings
The status of a profile can be viewed from this page.
Draft - at this stage of the process, profiles can be edited but they are unable to be viewed by the public.
Submitted - as Course Convenor, you are able to change the status of your profile to "Submitted" on this page. Users within your School/Department who have been given the role of “Approver”, for example, Head of School or Dean will be able to view the profile but it is not visible to students at this point.
Variations to the Course Profile during the trimester of offer are not permitted, except in exceptional circumstances, where the Dean (Learning and Teaching), after advice from both the Course Convenor and Program Director, may approve a variation that will be notified to students in writing via the Course Profile Student Notice Board and Learning@Griffith.
Submit a profile for review
(completed by the Course Convenor)
- To submit a profile for review, you must be on the Status and Settings page (this page).
- Consider the warnings identified for the profile. Make any required changes.
- 'Submitted' should be displayed in the drop down menu.
- Indicate, by checking the relevant check boxes what sections of the profile have changed
- If you select one of the following Aims and Outcomes | Assessment | Content | Lecture Capture | Examination Duration Exemption - the 'major change made' radio button will be automatically selected for you.
- Select an appropriate change type if not already automatically selected for you
- Please elaborate on the changes that have been made to the profile in the text box provided.
- If you select Other - please provide further details about the change in the text box provided and select the 'minor change made' radio button.
- If this is a 'new course', please select 'new course' from the changed type section - you are not required to select a 'changed section' check box - please add details about the course in the text box provided.
- Where the only change to this profile is to update the Previous Student Feedback, please select the Other check box, then the 'no change' radio button and provide these details in the text box provided
- Select the Learning Resources checkbox if you are proposing to use required resources which have been authored, co-authored, edited, published or developed by a staff member.
- Select the Closing the loop checkbox if you have made changes to the profile and if those changes were made in response to any University review process, eg. Student Experience of a Course (SEC), peer review etc.? If yes, please select the check box and provide details about the changes in the text box provided.
- Select the Examination Duration Exemption checkbox if you are requesting an exemption to the standard examination duration. Please provide details for requesting this exemption in the text box provided.
- New courses or those with major changes, will be reviewed by the Head of School and then by the Dean, Learning and Teaching; all others will be reviewed by the Head of School only.
- When selecting recipients to receive the 'submitted' email, remember that the Academic Support Officers have been pre-selected.
- In some Schools an email is also required to be forwarded to staff with the role of Moderator - please select the relevant check box.
- Choose the Set button (at the end of the page)
- An email is automatically sent to the Academic Support Officer and Approver (Head of School).
Review of a profile
(completed by Head of School - Approver)
Once a profile is submitted, the Approver will consider the warnings identified for the profile and then Add a Review on the Development Board. For more details refer to Noticeboards.
- New courses or those with major changes will be reviewed by the Head of School and then by the Dean, Learning and Teaching, all others will be reviewed by the Head of School only. Where the only change to a profile is to update the Student Feedback section - Head of School approval is required.
- Choose Status and Settings from the left navigation.
- Consider the warnings identified for the profile.
- Review content entered within Course Profile.
- Select the Development board link from the left hand navigation.
- Consider comments made by the Course Convenor on the development board.
- Select the Add a Review button.
- Select an appropriate recommendation from the drop down menu - Approve| Approve with Minor Changes| Dean Approval required| Changes required. Please note - where the recommendation type of 'changes required' is selected, the profile status changes back to 'draft' and the Course Convenor will be required to undertake the submission process again.
- Enter a message into the text box provided.
- Select Save.
- Emails will be forwarded to the Course Convenor and Academic Support Officer.
- Where the recommendation of Dean Approval Required has been selected, an email will also be sent to Academic Services. NB: Deans, do not receive any workflow emails from the course profile system.
- Select the I’m an Approver page link which will navigate you back to your list of profiles
What is a major or minor change?
In accordance with the University's Course Approval and Review Process - 6.3 Modifying an Existing Course:
"Following course review, the Course Convenor updates the Course Profile and communicates relevant information or outcomes to the Program Director and to the Head of school.
Where revisions to the Course Profile are minor - updating dates for assignments, updating texts and reference materials, and adjusting the sequence of the course content - the Course Convenor submits the Course Profile via the Course Profile System to the Head of School as a minor change for approval and publication.
Where revisions to the Course profile are major - a change to the course content, teaching methods, assessment strategy and/or resource requirements - the revised Course Profile and Statement of Resources must proceed through Steps 2 to 5 of the approval process for a new course (refer to Section 5 of the policy)'
Publish a profile
(completed by Academic Support Officer)
- Change to the Status and Settings page.
- Consider the warnings identified for the profile.
- Choose Published from the drop-down list.
- Choose the Set button .
- The profile is immediately locked down and will be viewable to students the following day.
Should any minor change be required after publication, Academic Support Officers will be required to contact Academic Services to request access to the profile.
If the profile for unforeseen circumstances needs to be removed from public view, Academic Support Officers can change the status of the profile to "withdrawn". When the profile is required to again be published the status can be reset to "viewable" after discussion with Academic Services.
Warnings related to the profile are also displayed on this page.