This section should elaborate on the brief description and include additional information on the course.
Course Convenors are encouraged to include sub-sections such as 'Contact Summary' and 'Campus specific arrangements'.
For research-based projects of less than 30CP offered in coursework masters degrees, and where the supervision is group or tutorial based, the roles and responsibilities of both students and staff are to be set out explicitly in the course profile, and provided to examiners. This information should include, where appropriate, the number of hours of group supervision students can expect to receive.
Contact Summary
Course Convenors are required to describe the activities to be undertaken by students eg. lectures, tutorials, seminars, practical classes, work-integrated learning activities, field placements etc. Convenors are required to include clear statements of the expectations on students, such as which activities are compulsory and which are optional. Mandatory requirements for the course should be specified, including attendance and participation requirements. The Contact summary is to be consistent with information provided in section 4.1 Learning Activities.
Campus-specific arrangements (optional)
In the case of courses taught on more than one campus this section may be used to clarify campus-specific information to students. Convenors are encouraged to include a statement such as:
This course is taught on two campuses this semester (Gold Coast and Nathan). You are required to enrol and participate at one campus ONLY. All concerns will be dealt with on a local campus basis. Throughout this course profile there will be campus specific information - please make sure that you refer to the information that is RELEVANT TO THE CAMPUS WHERE YOU ARE ENROLLED.
How to add or edit these details
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- Add or edit the details in this section using the online editor or by simply typing the required text.
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Previous student feedback (mandatory)
This field is mandatory for existing courses; it is not applicable for new courses.
Course Convenors are required to report on Previous Student Feedback obtained with the last calendar year from Student Experience of the Course (SEC). Where necessary key issues identified for improvement and changes made to the course as a result of student feedback are to be included. There is no requirement to report student feedback in a course profile for a course taught in the trimester subsequent to the one in which the course has been evaluated.
Every time this section is updated the Head of School approval is required.
How to add or edit these details
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- Add or edit the details in this section using the online editor or by simply typing the required text.
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