Course Convenors are required to provide a brief description on the assessment for the course and may include assessment rationale, assessment strategy, particulars of each assessment item which were not included in Section 5.1.
You are reminded to specify any additional conditions associated with the assessment for the course, for instance, stipulating that a student is required to submit all assessment items to qualify for a passing grade. You may also wish to include details on the mechanism for return of marked assessment items, or direct students to where this information is contained on the Learning@Griffith website.
Where relevant, additional information on assessment in this course, including processes for assessment submission and return, appropriate conditions for group work and collaboration, required referencing styles, the use of dictionaries and electronic devices in examinations and an indication of the non-availability of supplementary assessment should be provided.
Course Convenors are required to provide the following information:
Feedback on each Assessment Item (Section 4 of the Assessment Submission and Return procedures)
Provide information relating to the availability (for example, on Learning@Griffith), methods and a timeframe for providing students with feedback on each assessment item including the management of the Tier 1 Assessment process (Section 3.1 of the Academic Standing, Progression and Exclusion Policy).
Supplementary Assessment (Section 8 of the Assessment Policy)
Convenors are required to indicate by selecting the appropriate response below, whether supplementary assessment is available in this course in accordance with section 8 of the University Assessment Policy. A pass mark must be achieved in the supplementary assessment or exam to achieve the grade of 4. This information will be extracted from this System for advice to the School Assessment Board when finalising results. This information will be forward-facing to students on the Student View of the profile.
Reassessment (Section 7 of the Assessment Policy)
Resubmission is where a student is permitted to make substantial changes to a nominated assessment task which they have failed, within a specified timeframe for re-examination by the original examiner to achieve a mark no greater than the minimum for a pass standard for the assessment task. The student has five working days from return of the assessment task to resubmit for re-examination. Only one opportunity to resubmit the assessment task is to be awarded. Resubmission is not to be offered for research projects or dissertations.
Re-attempt is where a student is given a second opportunity to demonstrate their achievement of one or more of the course’s key learning outcomes before they can progress to new learning, or participate in subsequent learning activities. A student who is given the opportunity to re-attempt assessment may achieve a mark no greater than the minimum for a pass standard for the assessment.
The Course Convenor, following consultation with the Program Convenor, is responsible for awarding students the opportunity to resubmit or re-attempt assessment and advises the student of the decision on return of the assessment, the fail mark and feedback.
Notification of Marks and Grades (Section 12 of the Assessment Policy)
Examiners are responsible for recording the marks of all students enrolled in a course for each assessment task in one place, but students are to have access only to their own individual marks and not to marks of other students, other than for group assignments. Students' marks should normally be published in My Marks on Learning@Griffith.
Reasonable Adjustments for Assessment - Students with Disabilities
Course Convenors are also encouraged to reference the Griffith University Disclosure Form so students with disabilities and/or health conditions may identify the need for and negotiate any necessary and reasonable accommodations that are required for the learning activities. The Griffith University Disclosure Statement is provided to all students for the purpose of enabling access to a safe environment with appropriate adjustments, minimising student’s exposure to risk and risk to others.