People responsible for courses or Organisations on Learning@Griffith may occasionally need to find out which students and staff have access to their course or Organisation site. The "Users" link (under Users and Groups in your course menu) can be used to check if a person is currently enrolled in a Learning@Griffith course site. It can also be used to check user details such as student ID number or email address.  The same information is accessible, and downloadable, from the Mark Centre (although teaching staff will not appear in the Mark Centre).

Good to know

  • Although Learning@Griffith draws its data from PeopleSoft, there are many scenarios where the data on Learning@Griffith may not accurately reflect student enrolments. Course convenors wishing to confirm a student's enrolment in a course should contact their school administrative staff or Student Administration.
  • Note that user details cannot be modified in Learning@Griffith - if there are problems with name, email address or enrolments, the data needs to be corrected in PeopleSoft.
  • There is another tool available in Learning@Griffith called "Class List".  More information about this tool can be found below.
  • Generally students are not added to course sites by the teaching staff.  However if you own an Organisation you may choose to add students and staff to the Organisation - refer to the information on adding teaching staff access.

Step by step

The basics: View or search for a particular user in the course site

  1. On the Control Panel, expand the Users and Groups section and select Users.
  2. Select one of the following: first name, last name, email address, or username.
  3. Select one of the following: Contains, Equal to, or Starts with.
  4. Type one of the following: first name, last name, email address, or username.  (If you leave it blank, all names will appear.)
  5. Click Go. All matching entries appear.

The basics: Download a list of users in the course site

  1. On the Control Panel, expand the Mark Centre section.
  2. Click Full Mark Centre.
  3. Click Work Offline > Download and follow the prompts to save a copy of the Mark Centre as a spreadsheet.

More information

Related information

Class List

There is another tool available in Learning@Griffith called "Class List". The Class List is different from the Users and Groups options in the Control Panel. The Class List tool can be made available to instructors or students, in the menu or on a content page. It allows a search for a list of users enrolled in a course or organisation, or search for a particular person.

By default, details are not available in Class List. For this reason it is not often used. Individuals can go to My Blackboard at the top right of their screen (near their name) and select Settings > Personal Information > Set Privacy Options. From here they can select whether or not to allow their details to be accessible in the Class List.

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Learning@Griffith specialist technical support is available Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm.  At other times, IT Service Centre staff may be able to assist you.


The Learning@Griffith Support Team provide technical support for the Learning@Griffith system. Learning Futures works in partnership with Academic and Administrative elements across Griffith to support the attainment of our Learning and Teaching goals. Visit our Training page for more information on accessing services provided by Learning Futures.

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