If your Promotional Banner is already live, you can use a different form to Remove a Live Promotional Banner.
To maximise the chance of your promotional banner being displayed, it should be high quality and follow the guidelines below:
- Image size should be 250px high and at least 1500px wide.
- Provide a target URL when users click on the image.
- Keep important text in the centre of the image.
- Provide a timeframe (usually 1 week max) for how long the promotional banner should be displayed.
Promotional banner images are displayed on a wide variety of browser window widths, from browsers shown at full screen on extremely wide monitors used by graphical artists, to very narrow mobile screens. The guide below will assist you to maximise the chance that your image will be good for all users.

Banner images are centred in the banner area. The full 250px height will always be visible at regular size. Even on small screens, the middle 500px wide by 250px high rectangle of the image will remain fully visible. On screens which are larger, the left and right side the image will be revealed evenly to fill the width of the available space.